A place to discuss all things nerdy. So far mainly movie reviews, but looking to expand further into geek culture and media. The Late Nite Scholar is a born geek who married a geek and raises geek offspring, and specializes in movies, gaming, comics, books, and history. So come in and enjoy, leave your thoughts and let us know how you feel about the posts, the items we discuss, or anything else you want to talk about within our beloved genre.
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Geostorm Trailer Drops!
I just had to share this will all of you. After a number of teasers
popped up Tuesday, we were told that a full trailer for what will
probably be one of the most anticipated movies of 2017 would be
debuting Wednesday. I speak of course, about Geostorm. Yes, that
weather-disaster thriller brought to us by Dean Devlin and starring
Gerard Butler (why do you keep doing this to me, man?). Also, Jerry
Bruckheimer and another director, Danny Cannon is involved too. It’s kind of complicated. But on to the trailer.
Now I just want to give some quick thoughts here. Firstly, the last disaster movie I actively watched was The Day After Tomorrow,
so I’m a bit out of the game as far as these go. But this trailer was
hilarious. It had everything: big, over-the-top set pieces just bleeding
CGI all over, ridiculous premise that could probably be a lot more
interesting if done more intelligently, a classic song done in an overly
slow and melodramatic way… I could go on! I mean, it seems like they
hire the same woman for every one of these trailer songs nowadays, so I
guess she’s got a good thing going at least. To be honest, I thought the
teasers (which I conveniently watched in one video)
were a lot more intriguing and interesting than the full trailer. The
viral/found/secret-government- footage quality of the teasers gave the
clips a little extra something, a Cloverfield-esque feel that
is probably better than it deserves. The trailer, in contrast, was just
every trope of the genre and what you’d expect of a Devlin, Emmerich, or
Bay film mashed into one big pile. Let’s be real, this movie is
probably going to be terrible. Amazingly terrible, even. What we see of
the effects are the same glossy, over-the-top kind we see in all of
these kinds of films and which after a while just sort of runs together.
I miss the days of blowing up tiny White Houses
pairing that with what looks like some dramatic family issues crammed
in the corners to pad it out. There’s the usual ex-wife, a kid, a
brother, all that good stuff which I’m sure will be integral to the
story. And, as bad as this is probably going to be, some perverse part
of my mind wants to see it in all its terrible glory, Gods of Egypt
style. Or maybe I’m just a little loopy from digging ourselves out of
the massive blizzard that just blew through our part of the world.
This was my car this morning. There was also a second drift on the other side.
Either way, we’ll see what happens come October. Our next film is Kong: Skull Island, hopefully this weekend as long as the weather cooperates. So I’ll see everyone then!
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