Hey everyone, back again with another review. Now you all remember
how I talked about this film back before it opened in December and that I
really wanted to see it? Well, we weren’t able to make it to the
theater for this one, but it’s recently come out on Blu-Ray/DVD (am I
the only one who still says ‘out on video’ when talking about new
releases?) so we gave it a rent. So let’s talk about how it went. As
usual, no spoilers here.
So in the
lead-up to this film’s release, it really looked like we were finally
going to get that video-game adaptation film that would elevate the
genre out of the muck it seems to mired in. It was going to be that
great film that would give us what we wanted from the game itself, but also be a good film as well.
Warcraft hadn’t been able to win over audiences (in North America, at least), but we had hope that
Assassin’s Creed was the The One.
insert obligatory Matrix joke here |
For that, it aggrieves me to say that the result was more in the vein of this:
me elaborate. I’m not jumping on a hate-bandwagon here and trashing
this movie just because other reviewers and critics have done the same. I
wanted to like it, hell, I wanted to
love this movie.
I was excited for it and the only reason I didn’t see it on the big
screen was we couldn’t fit it in around the Christmas holiday. It also
wasn’t in our local theater for very long. Suffice to say, this
isn’t the review I wanted to be writing right now. But here we are.
should have known from the beginning. One of the opening shots is a
long tracking shot and it looks… well it looks bad. There’s a problem of
dodgy-to-outright-subpar CG in several spots throughout the film, even
with it’s around $125 million budget. Not all of it was bad, there were
some really nice shots, but when it was bad it was pretty noticeable.
The ‘prologue’ scene right after that shot is really cool. It was very
video game-like and had a great look and tone. I really liked that part,
even if I didn’t get as much out of it as a fan of the series probably
did. It was kind of like the Joining scene when you play
Dragon Age: Origins; a little mysterious and ominous and intriguing all at once. That brings me to one quick point: I know I probably missed a
of references and nods to the games. A few of the bigger ones I got,
but I know a fan would probably be able to tell you a lot more than me
about all those fun little easter eggs than I can.
I can tell you
the action scenes were pretty good. Kind of. The parkour Assassin stuff
was pretty fun to watch but the movie had this really annoying habit of
anytime exciting stuff started to happen, so did the cuts. We counted
six cuts for the character to jump from a roof to the ground and take
out an enemy in the process.
six cuts?! |
The number of cuts in the action sequences
was egregious, to the point where it actually
lessened the excitement of the scene because it was so noticeable and distracting. My kingdom for just
one long take during a fight scene!
this film had anything going for it, it was its cast. On paper, it
seemed perfect. Popular, well-loved franchise with an Oscar caliber
cast. And it’s not as if the cast was bad, per se. Michael Fassbender is
obviously the one giving it his all here, given that this was a passion
project for him. Jeremy Irons was doing his slimy, bad-guy thing with
odd hints of Scar showing up every now and again but it wasn’t exactly
revelatory. Brendan Gleeson does a decent job in a role where his
biggest scene is mostly exposition, but it’s Marion Cotillard’s Sofia
that I really want to talk about here. First off, I might just have a
bad ear for accents, but it felt like hers was inconsistent but again
that could just be me. Secondly, I felt like her character could have
been done better. Considering her arc and how she was treated by a lot
of the other characters, I thought she was going to go in a different
direction than she did at the end. I think it would have been a nice
twist if she had. Considering how important she was to the story, she
just seemed really impotent through most of it and I would have liked to
see her take some control. What I thought would be a revelation-type
moment for her actually went the opposite of how I thought it would,
considering all of this. Of course, that was the second such scene I was
wrong about. Fassbender’s Callum Lynch had a scene like that of his
own, and while it
did go the way I thought it would, the catalyst scene actually came later than the one I'd thought was the turning point.
terms of the story, the plot wasn’t terribly different from the first
game and part of the second (from the synopses I read) just with
different characters and a few changed details. It is also very faithful
to the games in one way, and it’s the one way that turned me
the series in the first place. I could not care less about any of the
plot or any of the characters or anything that happens in the present. I
know it’s part of the game mechanic and whatnot, but when I tried the
very first game and started off with some numpty in the present, I was a
bit disappointed. And to be honest, the characters in the present just
aren’t that interesting. This mechanic works less well in a movie, where
you are limited by a runtime far, far shorter than most games.
There are exceptions to every rule |
set of characters, neither past nor present, got any ample time for
development. That awesome female Assassin you see in the trailers? Minor
spoiler, I have no idea what her name is. I don’t think they actually
say it in the film. The other assassins in the present? Except for one,
maybe two, same deal. You really don’t know much of anything about
anyone. There’s enough story and development to keep the plot moving
forward, but not enough to invest or make you care about anyone that’s
there. Callum’s in the GLaDOS-like Animus (which was pretty cool, to be
honest) by the 20 minute mark, so there isn’t even that much setup for
him before
he’s heading back into the past. There isn’t really anything to make
you root for any of these characters or make you care about whether or
not they live or die or if their respective missions succeed or fail.
Because of this, and the way they filmed the action, it makes set pieces
and stunts that are supposed to be awe-inspiring, like the Leap of
Faith, lose a lot of their power. This is the biggest sin of the movie,
you don’t get invested in any of it and it becomes just kind of dull. If
you don’t care about anyone on the screen, there’s no reason to care
about anything they’re doing. I just couldn’t get excited by the stuff
the movie was trying to push on me as exciting because I didn’t care.
The whole thing was also oddly colorless, especially in the present. Not
in the DCEU-dark-filter way, I mean everything’s physical color. The
building, the clothes, 90% of the stuff in the Abstergo building was a
similar grey that all just blended together.
To sum up, this is
not the movie that will redeem the genre. It’s not the worst video game
movie I’ve ever seen, it’s not even the worst video game movie of 2016.
You can tell that there was legitimate effort put into this movie to
make it good and make it faithful, but the more I look at it, the more I
see there just isn’t enough time in a two-hour movie to make that
happen (at least not to the extent they were attempting here). At least
Warcraft, you may not have cared about the humans, but the Orcs were well-done and compelling characters.
Warcraft also has the one up on visuals as well, the cinematography and the motion-capture was incredible. I wanted
Assassin’s Creed
to at least give me that, or if nothing else, just be a good time. I
tried guys, I really did, but even Michael Fassbender couldn’t save this
one. It wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t particularly good either, and that
makes me sad. If you’re a fan and you want to check it out, by all
means. You might have a better time with it and get all those references
I didn’t. If you aren’t a fan, you probably won’t lose out on anything
by skipping it.