everybody! As promised, here is my review for Rogue One: A Star Wars
Story. After several conversations post-movie, on the drive home, at
home, etc., I feel like I’ve had time to bring my thoughts together to
into a review for all of you. I’m going to be keeping this absolutely
spoiler-free as well, so read on without fear! I mean, if you want to go
into this film completely blind, then maybe skip this for now (I
understand, I try not to watch reviews for movies I want to see in
theaters, especially if I’m going to review them). For those of you
carrying on, let’s get right to it.

First off, let’s talk a bit about the story. Without going into any detail, I’m sure hearing the words
Star Wars and
prequel story together made more than a few people nervous. I’m happy to say that there is no need for concern. This is not a prequel like
the prequels. The things I didn’t like about those films I didn’t find here. This had the feel of
Star Wars
more than those films while at the same time being its own animal. The
tone in this film is very different from the main ‘Skywalker Saga’. When
we came out of the theater I turned to the other half and said, “The
trailers made me say ‘wow, this looks like a war movie, I didn’t think
they’d take me up on that!’”. And it’s true, there’s a much more
grounded, serious tone to this one. While there is some humor
interspersed in-between, this is not the light, straightforward,
good-vs.-evil of Luke vs. Vader. There’s politics on both sides, there’s
the good and bad of human nature in both sides, this feels like
Star Wars
but it feels like a reality we haven’t seen yet. In the Skywalker films
where the Empire exists, it is ever-present but always distant
(Tatooine) or sanitized (Cloud City). You never really see what it’s
like to live under Empire occupation. In this, you get a better sense of
that than any of the other movies. This isn’t like a ‘gritty reboot’,
this is just stripping away the black-and-white idealism of the others
and showing how reality is a lot more grey.
I really love this poster. It fits quite well. |
for those who were nervous about this film because Gareth Edwards was
directing, I’m happy to say you’re fine here as well. I know a lot of
people didn’t care for his take on
Godzilla for various
reasons, but one of the main problems that I heard was the lack of
connection or interest in the human characters. That, and of course, not
enough Godzilla, but that doesn’t really apply here. In
Rogue One,
there are quite a few characters, and the main ones are all new to the
series (as far as I know, I haven’t started on the new Expanded Universe
yet), but I felt a lot of connection to them. Even Jyn Erso, who I
wasn’t super excited for based on trailers alone. They belonged in this
world, and they felt authentic, not like caricatures. I connected with
and went along with these characters on their journey far more than I
did the ones from
Godzilla, which I did like, for the record.
There was also a concern because reshoots were done, and there were
changes made to the story as production went along. I personally didn’t
notice any issues with that, and whatever was a reshoot wasn’t
noticeable to me.
Suicide Squad might be the most egregious
example of reshoots changing a movie completely, but I did not get that
sense here at all. This did not feel like two movies mashed into one,
this was a coherent story that happened to have been tweaked a bit.
While it would be interesting to see what was changed and left out, it
would only be out of curiosity, not because the movie felt incomplete.
And unlike the prequels, any cameos that appeared in the movie felt
natural and like they should be there. Given the timeline, it would only
make sense for certain characters to show up and they were done in a
way that wasn’t ham-fisted.
*Wookie roar*
("My cameo made perfect sense!") |
let’s talk about how this movie looked and sounded. I expected it would
look good, and it certainly did. Gareth Edwards has a great eye for
shots that show scale, especially
massive scale. For a
Star Wars
film, and especially one where we’ve got the Death Star as such a
central plot point, you really need it. He’s very good at keeping the
action on the ground, where you see what’s happening from the
perspective of the characters that are there. But the aerial and space
combat are just as well done, as big as they should be for a movie like
this, but the shots aren’t so close and crowded that you can’t see
what’s going on. I don’t want to go into any specifics, but it looks
amazing. I don’t just mean in the big things either. The small details
really got me, too. While there is (obviously) lots of CG, there’s a
very practical, organic-ness to the film and the world as well. It’s
real; it has a grimy, well-used, lived-in feel that I found the other
prequels really lacked. The costuming was also superb, it was all
accurate and harkening back to the original trilogy. There are elements
of the Rebel outfits reminiscent of several points in those first three
movies, from the pilots to the ground troops. The same for the Empire,
where we have gone back to the classic Stormtrooper look, as well as the
familiar grey and black of officers, pilots, and staff. But it is in
the Imperial side that we have some new iconic looks as well. From
Krennic’s white uniform and cape to the head-to-toe black Death
Troopers, we see more of the diverse nature of the Empire’s troops.
Rather stylish, isn't he? |
Also harkening back to the original films was the score, composed by Michael Giacchino, who also worked on films like
Jurassic World.
So he isn’t a stranger to filling John Williams' shoes, and it shows.
There’s enough notes and moments reminiscent of the original music to
make it familiar but at the same time it’s just different enough to be
its own. It’s a firmly
Star Wars score, and it’s beautiful. But
you can tell there’s something different and that this movie stands on
its own, there’s no huge swell of the iconic theme at the beginning
(just like there’s no text crawl), but the music fits the movie
So, in conclusion, what can I say I haven’t said already? This was a very different
Star Wars movie,
and I don’t say that as a bad thing. If they want to make offshoot
films in the universe, it’s such a relief to see they aren’t afraid to
make them stand alone, to not have to follow the
Star Wars formula slavishly. If this is how this Expanded Universe is going to be, bring on more!